Monday, October 26, 2009

All About Meme: I'm scuured!

Ok, I love this one. Supahmommy and Mommybrain's prompt this week is an ode to the season. What am I most scared by? What is my scariest memory? ect...You get the idea.

Since having Oliver, the idea of anything happening to him can literally make me want to vomit and bring me to tears instantly. I used to read a lot of blogs written by families with sick kiddos, but I can't anymore. Hits to close to home. Oliver has this HUGE lump in his neck (OK, maybe only huge to me, but still...) and every time we go to the doctor I have to be reassured yet again that it is nothing, he's just a lumpy boy. Recently, we had an incident that I won't go into where Oliver could have been serioulsly hurt. I couldn't sleep for two days with the thoughts of what almost happened to him. That is what scares me most, that I can't be there every second to protect him, that accidents do happen, that life is a crapshoot. Okey dokie...On to something lighter...

This guy. Seriously, getting this image off the web is actually raising my blood pressure and adreneline right now. Have you seen the movie "Signs"? I love an alien flick as much as the next person, but the way M. Night Shamalyn put this one together (you never really see the freekin thing until the end...) just about put me into cardiac arrest. I saw it with my brother David, and I think I left fingerprint bruises on his arm where I kept grabbing him.

It's quite a good movie, about a man and his faith more than about aliens if you'd believe that one! But, boy oh boy, the part where it passes in front of the camera on the news, the hand under the pantry door, the basement scene...All of these images AND my crazy insane imagination worked me up to the point where I was SURE one of these bad boys was on the landing to our stairs. I seriously couldn't sleep, was frozen in bed, and was panicking in the middle of the night after I saw this one. Shawn thought I was a complete ninny, but he couldn't SEE the shimmer of it's cloaking device, he couldn't HEAR it's rattling breath, he couldn't FEEL the distubance in the air where it waited to spray poison in my face. COME ON PEOPLE!!! IT'S RIGHT THERE!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!

I will not be proofreading this post. I can't bring myself to scroll up and see that damn alien again. Seriously.


Melissa said...

Ewww, scary!! I've never seen the movie but I've heard it is pretty good... now, I might have to just so I can see what you are talking about!!

supahmommy- somethin's wrong with that girl said...

OH MY WORD that mOVIE WAS SOOO CREEPY SCARY GOOD. I got hoodwinked into watching it. THinking it wasn't scary.. like I am LEgend.. that's the other scurry arse movie i watched in the past 10 years.

I almost ate my own heart when it passed in front of that camera...

but boy.. was that an awesome movie... i was jUST thinking of it to.. I had all these glasses sitting around after a night of late bloggin.. and i thought of those aliens.. and those water glasses.. and that theres a reason for everything.

good one
and your pic up top.. PRICE LESS.

Shell said...

I too want to throw up when I think of something bad happening to one of my kids.

I saw Signs, but I remember thinking that it would have been scarier if they had never actually shown us the alien. Imagination is worse than what they show us, I think.

MommyBrain said...

The new header with Oliver putting on mascara is priceless!

That alien picture, on the other hand, is just awful! I am not a big believer in aliens - alien movies make me laugh more than cringe, but if I encountered that dude on screen or in person, I'd be totally heebeegeebeed to the max!

And I def hear ya on the whole keeping our kiddos safe ... dreamt about one of my girls (not sure which) falling off the side of a mountain ... almost couldn't breath when I woke up!

Lisa said...

I'm the same way about my kids..and they are grown now.
I love scary movies but have to watch some between my fingers. Like that helps.

BJ_Mama said...

And that is EXACTLY why I don't like scary movies anymore. That is exactly what I would do...think it's watching me.... AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!

Andrew and Rebecca said...

Totally understand how you feel about something happening to Oliver. It does make me feel sick, too. It is a feeling like no other because we love them SO much!