Sunday, June 6, 2010

Summer is almost here, time to dust off the blog!

I know I've been a blog slacker lately, but life has been, well, nuts. Between moving to a new building next year (SUPER EXCITED!!!), and all the grief that my class this year has been giving me, I just come home and collapse!

However, I'm branching out into the world of online retailing (see my link on the right!) and would like to build more of a friends and family following on this blog and my craft blog. So...I'm not promising miracles or anything, but you will be hearing from us again! And just to leave you with some Oliver and Mackenzie (Oliver's new little first cousin!) cuteness...
Lil Miss Mac' and her adoring auntie Sharla!
Gone Fishin!
Love me some Ollie kisses!
You can't see me!